
Showing posts from September, 2023

Rumor Has It!

In the bustling city of Steam   Haven, amid the clanks and hisses of steam-powered machinery, Joshua toiled away in his workshop. His customer's small boiler lay on the workbench, and he was attempting to rivet a metal plate onto it using a steam-powered rivet gun. But today, it seemed that even the most reliable tools were conspiring against him. Frustration gnawed at Joshua as the rivet gun refused to work properly. With each attempt, the rivets either misfired or failed to secure the plate in place. Grumbling to himself, he decided to investigate the root of the problem and headed to the basement to check the filter on his steam boiler. As he descended the narrow staircase  and  into the dimly lit basement, he found the filter partially plugged with debris. Sighing, he set to work cleaning it out, the soot and grime clinging to his hands and clothes. After what felt like an eternity, he finally cleared the filter and headed back upstairs, resolved to finish his project.   The ri


 In the heart of the steampunk town of Steam Haven, Abigail found herself locked in a battle of wits with a stubborn block of wood. She had been tasked with carving a magnificent wooden cabinet to house the intricate steam clock her brother had meticulously crafted. The gears seemed to mock her as they turned and hummed. Every so often a puff of steam would release from the mechanism. Normally it was a comforting sound to her but today it grated. A noisy steam carriage belched it’s way passed the window, “that one could use a valve job,” she thought absently. Her fingers moved skillfully over the surface, chiseling away, but her mind was consumed by a question that had been bothering her for days. She glanced at the nearby workbench, where a Bible lay open. Her brow furrowed in frustration as she read the passage that had been troubling her, Matthew 22:36-40. Jesus' words echoed in her mind, "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" To which Jesus replied,


   In the bustling city of Steam Haven, where steam-powered machines clanked and hissed, lived the Hawthorne family – Father Joshua  was a master clock maker , Mother Sandy  was an inventor in her own right in wood craftsmanship , and their two children, Caleb and Abigail  who were quickly following in their parents footsteps . The air in their home was filled with the aroma of gears and the symphony of whirring cogs, the occasional venting steam along with intricately carved wood furnishings, creat ed  a unique blend of the Victorian era and advanced technology. The family's passion for innovation and creativity was evident in their cozy home, where steam venting inventions and contraptions adorned every corner.   Caleb, the eldest of the Hawthorne siblings, was an ingenious young lad . He took after his father  with a fascination for gears and mechanics. His latest project, a special clock that combined intricate clockwork with mesmerizing lights, had garnered the attention of hi