Rumor Has It!

In the bustling city of Steam Haven, amid the clanks and hisses of steam-powered machinery, Joshua toiled away in his workshop. His customer's small boiler lay on the workbench, and he was attempting to rivet a metal plate onto it using a steam-powered rivet gun. But today, it seemed that even the most reliable tools were conspiring against him.

Frustration gnawed at Joshua as the rivet gun refused to work properly. With each attempt, the rivets either misfired or failed to secure the plate in place. Grumbling to himself, he decided to investigate the root of the problem and headed to the basement to check the filter on his steam boiler.

As he descended the narrow staircase and into the dimly lit basement, he found the filter partially plugged with debris. Sighing, he set to work cleaning it out, the soot and grime clinging to his hands and clothes.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally cleared the filter and headed back upstairs, resolved to finish his project.  The rivet gun worked flawlessly and the panel was on quickly. His stomach growled as he put his tools away and headed for the kitchen.

Entering the cozy kitchen where his wife, Sandy, was busy preparing dinner, Joshua couldn't contain his frustration. "I can't believe the city water manager is letting the water get so dirty!" he exclaimed. "You know, I've heard that he is more interested in his personal trips than paying attention to his job!"

As soon as the words left his lips, Joshua felt an inexplicable darkness overshadowing the conversation. It was as though a cold shroud had settled over the room, chilling the air. But just as quickly as it had come, the eerie feeling dissipated.

Just then, the phone rang, startling Joshua from his thoughts. He picked it up and greeted the caller with a simple, "Hello?" The voice on the other end belonged to Paul from their church. “We really need to hold an emergency committee meeting tonight,” he said, “Can you be here at 6pm?” Glancing at the clock on the wall, Joshua realized it was only an hour away.

Noticing Joshua’s hesitation Paul continued, “I wouldn’t ask if this wasn’t such an emergency.” Joshua reluctantly agreed to attend. After hanging up the phone, he informed Sandy of the situation, who nodded in understanding. Joshua grabbed his pocket bible from the shelf and made his way out the door.

On the city sidewalk, Joshua hailed a passing steam carriage, the driver standing on the platform behind the cab. He reached into his pocket, fished out the necessary coins, and deposited them into the meter box inside the cab. As the carriage jostled through the bustling streets, Joshua couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had gripped him in the kitchen.

Seeking guidance, he pulled out his bible and uttered a quick prayer. He delved into his scripture study for the remainder of the journey to the church, finding solace and purpose in his faith. Upon arriving, he tucked his bible back into his coat pocket and stepped inside.

The meeting room was already occupied by Paul and the five other members of the finance committee. As Joshua took his seat at the table, he noticed that one member, Steve, was conspicuously absent. A somber atmosphere hung over the room as Joshua greeted his fellow committee members.

Paul began to speak, but Joshua raised his hand, “I think we should start with a word of prayer. After saying the prayer, he inquired about Steve's absence. Paul spoke first, There are rumors circulating that Steve was called into the boss’s office today regarding mismanagement of funds at his workplace.” Paul glanced around the table and then continued. “Obviously we need to pray for Steve, but given his role in handling the church's finances, we are contemplating removing him from the committee.  We feel we need to be prudent stewards in dealing with God’s money.” Paul sat back in his chair and all the committee members looked at Joshua to see what he would say.

As Paul had been speaking, Joshua had felt the same cold, dark feeling that had gripped him earlier in his kitchen. Saddened, Joshua bowed his head in silent prayer for guidance.

“Have any of you verified the truth of these rumors?” asked Joshua.

“We have all heard it from reliable sources,” said Mary, defiantly.

“But were any of those sources present during Steve's meeting with his boss?” Joshua replied. "We are relying on rumors, and we need to understand the gravity of what we're doing. We may be adding fuel to a fire of untruth. I am guilty of doing this in my kitchen earlier. Sensing that what I had said was wrong, I did some studying in the bible on my way over here. I would like to share the text the Holy Spirit led me to.”

Joshua pulled out his bible and turned to the book of James. “I would like to read to you from James chapter 3, starting in verse 2.” The other committee members looked a little confused, but they turned to their bibles so they could follow along.

“For all of us make mistakes. If someone does not make any mistakes when he speaks, he is perfect and able to control his whole body.” Joshua continued on in verse three. “Now if we put bits into horses mouths to make them obey us, we can guide their whole bodies as well. And look at ships! They are so big that it takes strong winds to drive them, yet they are steered by a tiny rudder wherever the helmsman directs. In the same way, the tongue is a small part of the body, yet it can boast of great achievements. A huge forest can be set on fire by a little flame. The tongue is a fire, a world of evil. Placed among the parts of our bodies, the tongue contaminates the whole body and sets on fire the course of life, and is itself set on fire by hell.”

Joshua looked up from reading to see a mixture of shame and fear on everyone’s faces.

“I am afraid,” he said, “that we have started a forest fire among the church members with this rumor about Steve.  Unfortunately I am afraid I haven’t read the worst of it yet. The word ‘hell’ at the end of verse six is the Greek word ‘Gehanna,’ which means the Valley of Hinnom. If we go to Jeremiah chapter seven verse thirty-one we find what James was referring to.”

Joshua leafed through his bible to the text and read, “They have built high places at Topheth in the Valley of Ben-hinnom to burn their sons and daughters in the fire. I didn’t command this, and it never entered my mind.”

Again Joshua paused. After taking a deep breath he continued. “Just as God was offended by the Israelites burning their children, that is how offended he is at spreading rumors about someone.  Nothing could be farther from His character. I am ashamed that I let myself speak a negative rumor about someone to my wife, I will have to apologize to her and to God.”

Sally, a seldom-speaking member, chimed in, saying, "It sounds like we should be very, very careful about what we say."

Joshua nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Sally. We must remember that our words can have far-reaching consequences."

Paul confessed his embarrassment for getting caught up in the rumors, and the others at the table expressed similar sentiments. They realized that they needed to stop this destructive fire of gossip in its tracks.

Joshua proposed a course of action. Rather than voting Steve off based on rumors, we should have a meeting with him in which we should offer our apologies, support and prayers. Perhaps we can clear the air and put an end to the damaging whispers.

In agreement, the committee bowed their heads in prayer, seeking forgiveness for their actions and asking for guidance in their meeting with Steve.

As Joshua made his way back home in the steam carriage, he continued to pray, thankful for the wisdom he had found in the scriptures and hopeful that they could put things right with Steve. He also knew he owed Sandy an apology for his earlier outburst, but he couldn't help but smile in anticipation of the delicious meal she would have prepared.


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