
Showing posts from October, 2023

By Design

  In the sprawling city of Steam Haven  -- a place where gears and gadgets made magnificent  wonders --  Caleb had always been a curious young lad. His father, Joshua, was a renowned clock maker  in town  who  creat ed  intricate steam-driven timepieces that were coveted by collectors far and wide. This particular evening, Caleb -- a young man  of endless questions  and an expert clock maker in his own right-- had been pondering a conundrum that gnawed at the edges of his young mind.   A s the bronze sun dipped below the horizon, casting a coppery hue upon the city's labyrinthine streets, Caleb looked up from the steam powered clock he was working on.  Joshua was working at the bench next to him  in their cluttered workshop. Clock parts, cogs, and gears of all sizes lay scattered about, a testament to Joshua  and Caleb’s  ceaseless creativity.   "Dad," Caleb began, his voice laced with curiosity, "why does God have laws? Why must there be rules?"   Joshua paused

The Shepherd's Rod

In the sprawling, industrial city of Steam H aven, where brass gears turned and steam billowed from towering chimneys, Caleb  was busy working on a new clock for a customer . He was a young teen with  smudged cheeks and eyes that shone with curiosity. Despite his intense focus when he was working on a project , Caleb had a heart as big as the skyship that occasionally passed overhead, and he always seemed to find the silver lining in every gear-clogged machine. Caleb's close friend ,  Amara --a girl with a spirit as wild as the swirling cogs and pistons that powered the city--  was always full of life, her laughter resonating through the labyrinthine streets.  But today , she looked like she was  be ing  plagued by a dark cloud. The sparkle in her eyes had dimmed, and the laughter, once so contagious, had become a rare occurrence. Caleb  looked up from his work. The magnifying monocle still over his one eye made it look huge as he looked at  Amara . She made at slight jump and then

Pieces of a Puzzle

  The Hawthorne   family stepped out of the carriage, and the buzz of the Steam  Haven county fair filled their ears. Joshua took Sandy’s hand, Caleb and Abigail at their side, and the four of them stared wide-eyed at the myriad of attractions. Everywhere they looked, they saw something new to marvel at: steam-powered carousels, mechanical clowns, and all ma nner of  trinkets for sale. Sandy’s face lit up with a smile as she took in the sights and sounds of the fair. “Oh! Look at that!” she gasped, pointing to a booth filled with tiny, glittering figurines made of copper, brass and crystal . “Joshua, would you buy me one of those, please?”  She said pointing to a particular copper piece. Joshua laughed and squeezed her hand. “Of course, anything for you, my love.” He looked at his two children, who were both equally enthralled by the atmosphere. “What about you two?” he asked. “What do you want to do first?” Abigail, the youngest of the two, gave a small gasp of excitement and pointed

Am I Worthy?

 In the town of Steam Haven Sandy Hawthorne, a woman in her 40s with short, curly brown hair and an apron covered in wood shavings, held her chisel steady as she carved the final intricate details into the wooden angel. The second of two that were needed. A skilled wood carver, her deep faith infused every piece of her work, each stroke reflecting the love she felt for her craft, her family, and her God. "Mom, look at this!" Abigail, Sandy's daughter, called out from across the room. The workshop was filled with the scent of freshly carved wood, warm and comforting like a hearty meal after a long day's work. Wood shavings covered the floor, evidence of their passion and labor. "Give me a moment, dear," Sandy replied, focusing on the delicate curve of the angel's wing. She couldn't help but smile, feeling her daughters excitement.  "Alright, let's see what you've got." Sandy stepped back from her own creation and turned to face her d