By Design

 In the sprawling city of Steam Haven --a place where gears and gadgets made magnificent wonders-- Caleb had always been a curious young lad. His father, Joshua, was a renowned clock maker in town who created intricate steam-driven timepieces that were coveted by collectors far and wide. This particular evening, Caleb--a young man of endless questions and an expert clock maker in his own right--had been pondering a conundrum that gnawed at the edges of his young mind.

 As the bronze sun dipped below the horizon, casting a coppery hue upon the city's labyrinthine streets, Caleb looked up from the steam powered clock he was working on.  Joshua was working at the bench next to him in their cluttered workshop. Clock parts, cogs, and gears of all sizes lay scattered about, a testament to Joshua and Caleb’s ceaseless creativity.

 "Dad," Caleb began, his voice laced with curiosity, "why does God have laws? Why must there be rules?"

 Joshua paused in his meticulous work and turned to his son, his eyes a deep well of wisdom. "God’s laws, my boy, are not constraints or burdens. They are the very framework upon which the world is built."

 Caleb furrowed his brow. "But it doesn't make sense, Father. If God is so loving, why does He insist on rules like the ten commandments?"

 Joshua leaned in and gently rested his calloused hand on Caleb's shoulder. "Do you remember when I taught you to build your own steam-driven clocks? Did you not have to follow certain principles, certain laws of engineering and mechanics?"

 Caleb nodded, recalling the countless hours he had spent by his father's side learning the intricacies of crafting these mechanical marvels.

 "Well, think of God's laws like the laws of science," Joshua continued. "When I create a clock, I don't see the laws of thermodynamics as obligations; I accept them as design laws. They guide me in crafting a timepiece that functions beautifully and accurately. In the same way, God's laws guide us in creating a world of order, love, and harmony."

 Caleb's eyes brightened with understanding. "So, God's laws are like the laws of steam and gears, meant to help us create a world that works smoothly?"

"Exactly, my son," Joshua replied with a smile. "Just as we couldn't build our clocks without understanding the principles of mechanics, we can't build a just and loving society without following God's laws.  The angels in heaven follow God’s design laws without even thinking about them as burdensome. They realize it is how reality works. So the laws are there to help us find our way, to make this city of Steam Haven a better place for all its citizens."

 Caleb nodded, feeling the weight of his father's words sinking in. "Thank you, Father. I think I understand now."

 Joshua ruffled his son's hair affectionately. "You're a clever young man, Caleb. And remember, while God's laws may seem strict at times, they're meant to be a guide, not a hindrance. Embrace them, and you'll find a world that's as beautiful and harmonious as a perfectly crafted steam-driven clock."

 As the last rays of the sun disappeared beyond the horizon, father and son resumed their work. The gas lamps on the wall came to life engulfing the darkening workshop in soft a glow. Caleb reached up and turned on the lamp above his workbench giving him the light to continue with his project. He hooked up the steam tube to the back of the clock. Immediately the gears and cogs started moving in perfect harmony. He looked over at his father with a clearer understanding that--just as gears meshed and cogs turned in harmony--the laws of God and the laws of nature would guide them toward a future of love and promise in the town of Steam Haven.


Those who genuinely love God will live lives that reveal him-lives that are

In harmony with his commandments. And His commandments are not a burden

Placed upon us which we must perform, but the natural outgrowth of love-

The victory over this selfish world that everyone who is healed by God experiences;

And this victory over fear and selfishness is achieved when we trust God.


1John 5:3-5

The Remedy, by Dr. Tim Jennings


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