
In the bustling city of Steam Haven, where steam-powered contraptions roared through cobbled streets and airships dotted the sky, Joshua worked as a humble inventor with an expertise for crafting small steam engines. One day, an unusual request reached Joshua's workshop. The client's identity was shrouded in mystery, but the promise of a hefty reward enticed him to take on the challenge.

With gears whirring and steam hissing, Joshua worked against an aggressive timeline that the mysterious requester had made. Sandy, his wife, was bringing him his meals in his workshop so he could work without interruption. Finally, he sat looking at his creation, a compact yet powerful steam engine hummed with life. Satisfied with his work, Joshua called the number that had been given him on a piece of paper. A man's voice at the other end gave him instructions to bring the invention to warehouse number 7 at the docks.

Joshua called for a carriage and carefully packed the small engine in a box. The engine was very small and light, and once packed Joshua could carry it easily. Joshua had just finished a hastily written note for Sandy so she would know where he had gone when the automaton came into the shop.

“I need to go to warehouse 7 at the docks,” Joshua told the automaton as he climbed into the carriage. “Very well sir’” the automaton responded in a mechanical voice.

Joshua stumbled on the carriage step. He had heard that voicing had been added to the abilities of the automatons, but this was the first he had heard it and it surprised him. Recovering, he stepped up into the carriage, cradling his package in his arms. The next surprise was that the automaton climbed into the carriage next to him, forcing him to slide over. The automaton put his mechanical hands on a wheel in front of him that was connected to a post that went down through the floor. Next to the post, on the floor, were two pedals. The automaton put his foot on one of the pedals and off they went in a cloud of steam.  

As they approached the waterfront, Joshua marveled at the towering airships tethered to massive masts. The salty breeze carried tales of daring adventures and whispered secrets. Little did he know, the mysterious client had ulterior motives.

The carriage arrived at the warehouse and slowly pulled into the dark interior. The automaton got out first allowing Joshua to slide over and exit the carriage. The warehouse was so dark Joshua could barely see. From what he could see, the warehouse appeared empty. He was about to turn and ask the automaton what was going on when from behind a hood was forced over his head, followed by a sharp pain making him black out.

Back home, Sandy anxiously awaited her husband's return. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the cobbled streets. Concern etched her face as she sat at the kitchen table looking out through the window.

“Any sign of dad?” Caleb asked as he entered the kitchen.

Sandy shook her head and held up the note that Joshua had written earlier. “All that he said was that he was taking an engine to a customer down at the docks,” she replied.

Abigail had followed her brother into the kitchen. “I’m sure he is fine Mom,” she said. “Can we go ahead and eat?”

Sandy nodded, ”Yes, we can.  But first I would feel better if we took a minute and prayed for your dad’s safe return.”

Sandy stood up and the three of them held hands, each taking a turn saying a prayer for Joshua’s safe return.

After dinner, and as darkness enveloped Steam Haven, Sandy decided to take matters into her own hands. She made a phone call to the constabulary and soon there were two constables standing in her entry way.

“How long has your husband been missing?” asked the taller officer. His highly polished brass buttons stood out against his navy blue uniform.

“He left earlier today to deliver a project to a customer down at the docks,” Sandy handed him the note Joshua had written. “He missed dinner, which isn’t like him, and he hasn’t called.”

“Maybe he stopped at the bar on the way home,” the shorter constable said. His buttons weren’t as shiny and his uniform looked in need of a good wash.

Sandy shook her head. “He doesn’t drink sir, he is a devout family man!”

The second officer gave a smirk and the first officer gave him a stern look. “We will go down to the warehouse and see if we find anything,” he told Sandy in a more compassionate tone.

Sandy waited up most of the night for any information back from the police, but none came. She finally dozed off in the early morning hours. She must have fallen asleep while she was praying, because when she woke her hands were folded and resting on her open Bible. The text was Psalms 27. The doorbell whistled and she realized that it was what had woken her. She hurried to the door and flung it open expecting the two officers that she had spoken with the night before, but there on her front step was a man dressed in all black. Shiny brass buttons lined his uniform and he had a single copper badge on his right chest.

“Good morning maam,” he said, taking off his hat. “I am detective Armstrong, and I am here to tell you that your husband has been abducted.”

To be continued…….


The Lord enlightens me and heals me --

why should I be afraid?

The Lord keeps me safe--

why should I be afraid?

When selfish people attack me and try to destroy me,

they will stumble and fall.

Even if surrounded by an entire army,

I will not be afraid;

even if the army attacks,

I will trust the outcome to God.

There is one thing I desire from the Lord;

one thing my heart truly wants;

to be a part of the Lord’s family and live in His house all my life,

to gaze upon His beauty, to have Him as my teacher.

He will shelter me from danger;

He will keep me safe in His home

and will establish me, secure, on the immovable Rock.

My character will rise above selfish enemies around me.

With joy I will offer my heart as His temple;

I will sing--yes!--I will sing praises to the Lord.

Hear my request, O Lord,

and by your grace, grant my heart’s desire.

My heart desires to be in your presence,

so I seek you, Lord---

don’t hide yourself from me;

don’t say no to my request!

You have always helped me;

don’t refuse to help me now, O God, my Savior.

Even if my father and mother abandon me,

the Lord will hold me close.

Teach me, Lord, how to live your way;

lead me down healthy paths,

because enemies watch for opportunity to attack.

Do not leave me to the will of my enemies,

for they spread lies about me and threaten me.

I know that I will see the beauty of the Lord’s goodness in the earth made new--

the land of eternal life.

Trust in the Lord, be strong and confident.

Trust in the Lord.


The Remedy of the Lord in song: The Psalms

By Dr. Tim Jennings


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