The Airship

 The airship, christened the "Sky Serpent," sailed through the skies away from the sprawling city of Steam Haven, its ornate gilded balloon catching the glow of the setting sun. Joshua, disoriented and groggy, awoke in a dimly lit, intricately carved room, the unmistakable scent of Australian Buloke and Brazilian Olivewood filling his senses. The rhythmic creaking and swaying beneath his feet hinted at his airborne captivity.

Joshua instinctively tried to raise his hand to rub the sore spot on the back of his head, but he realized his wrists were bound behind his back. Years spent as a woodworker granted him a unique advantage – the ability to discern the subtlest scents. He recognized the blend of woods and realized with a sinking feeling that the only people that used those rare and ornate woods were air pirates.

With deft fingers, Joshua worked the ropes free, and with a swift motion he tore the hood from his head. His eyes adjusted to the dim light, revealing an intricately carved cabin. Across from him, a lone pirate sat at a grand, carved desk, studying a map. The pirate looked up and--with a grin and a bow-- said, “Welcome, Joshua, to the Sky Serpent.”

Joshua, still unsteady, rose to his feet. “Why am I here?” he demanded.

“Introductions first, I am Captain Atherton.  Please have a seat,” he said, motioning toward a chair on the other side of the desk. “I am sorry for the abduction, but there was a necessity for secrecy.  The steam engine I commissioned you to develop is to power a revolutionary underwater diving suit, it will provide air for my divers.”

“You will be my guest,” he continued, “for the duration of this voyage.  You will have complete freedom aboard my vessel and I have given orders for the crew to treat you with the utmost respect.”

Joshua sat stunned. This was not what he was expecting. “Where are we going? How long will I be gone? Who will notify my family that I am OK?  You have the engine, why am I needed here?”

The captain chuckled, “The destination, I’m afraid, will have to stay a mystery for now. Just know we are headed out over the ocean. How long we will be gone depends on our success at the destination. At the first port I will try to get a message to your family, but our adventure must stay a secret. You are needed here to integrate your amazing engine into the diving suit. Please feel free to ask any other questions you may have.”

After a pause in which no more questions came from Joshua, the captain picked up a black funnel-shaped device and spoke into it. Soon there was a short knock on the door and the captain’s first mate strode in.

“This is my first mate, Alexander.” The captain swept his arm towards the new arrival. “He will take you to your cabin. Starting with tomorrow’s dinner, I will have you join me here in my cabin. Until then, try to relax and enjoy the ride. We will start work on the diving suit in the morning.”

With that the captain went back to his map, and Joshua followed Alexander out of the cabin.

Alexander was about the same height as Joshua, a lean man, tanned by the exposure to the sun. He was dressed in what Joshua would imagine as traditional sailor clothing. A white shirt with puffy sleeves tucked into blue pants that didn’t quite reach his ankles. His black shoes were sturdy but the soles made no noise on the wooden floor.

When they had reached the deck Joshua could see that the ship was a typical galleon- style vessel with a huge balloon above that stretched out past the bow and stern.

“We have twin steam-driven props,” said Alexander as he pointed to one on each side of the ship. “There are five attachment points on each side to hold the balloon, which is one hundred and fifty feet long and ninety feet high.”

Joshua looked at the heavy cables going from the ship up to the balloon. The breeze flowing past the cables made a relaxing whistle.

“The ship itself is one hundred and twenty feet long,” Alexander continued. “She is one of the bigger ships in the air, but she can still move for her size.”

Joshua could tell that Alexander was proud to be serving on such an vessel. Arriving at his cabin in the bow of the ship, Alexander pointed out the amenities. A closet with extra clothes, what looked like a comfortable bed along the wall, and a small desk on the opposite wall. The port holes on either side let in plenty of sunlight.

After Alexander left, Joshua went and knelt by his bed. “Oh dear heavenly Father,” he started. “I am not sure what you have planned for me here. Please grant me the strength and wisdom to do your will, even in this situation. Please be with Sandy, Caleb, and Abigail. Grant them comfort and peace and help me to be able to get a message to them. I know you are with me and my family. Please help me to be a witness to everyone on board and help me not to get discouraged. Thank you for being a loving and caring God. Amen.”

Just as Joshua finished his prayer he was startled by a boom in the distance. The sound of yelling and boots pounding past in the corridor outside his cabin made him jump up and throw open the door.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you are involved in various trials,

because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance.

But you must let endurance have it’s full effect,

So that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.

James 1:2-5  ISV


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