The Bigger Picture

 The brass gears of Caleb's pocket watch ticked away as he polished the last piece of his steampunk attire. He had meticulously arranged his brown leather vest, pocket watch chain, and aviator goggles to impress Amara, who was coming over for dinner and a Bible study. Since the enchanting weekend at his grandparents' farm, their friendship had grown into something more. There was a spark between them, an undeniable connection that begged to be explored.

Caleb’s parents had arranged a candlelit dinner in their cozy, industrial-style dining room, complete with polished copper and gleaming gadgets adorning every corner. The aroma of roasted chicken and freshly baked bread filled the air, creating a warm and inviting ambiance. The steamed vegetables and chocolate lava cake for dessert just added to extravagantly prepared meal. The flickering glow of gas lamps bathed the room in a soft, golden light. A steam driven clock that Caleb had made chimed the hour. 

The mechanical doorbell buzzed and Caleb went hurriedly to see who it was. Amara had arrived dressed in her own steampunk attire, a brown corset and a long, flowing skirt, her auburn curls framing her face, making her beautiful eyes even more gorgeous. Her smile was radiant as she greeted Caleb at the door. Caleb finally got a “hello” out after a brief, awkward silence. He led Amara to the dining room where she exchanged hello’s with Caleb’s parents and his younger sister, Abigail.

Soon after they started eating Caleb’s sister could not hold back any longer, "Well, well, well," Abigail cooed, a sly grin on her face as she observed her brother and Amara. "Isn't this a delightful evening, Caleb?"

Caleb's cheeks flushed as he swatted playfully at his sister. "Abigail, this is just dinner and a study session. Don't read too much into it."

Amara laughed, her voice as melodious as a vintage music box. "I'm here to learn more about the Bible, Abigail. Nothing more."

Caleb’s parents quickly diverted the conversation to less romantic discussions.

Dinner ended up being an enchanting affair with lively conversations and shared stories. The hours passed quickly as they savored the sumptuous meal. Caleb couldn't help but admire Amara's passion for learning, her curiosity about the world, and her captivating beauty.

After the last bite of dessert had been savored, Caleb and Amara offered to do dishes. With both of them working, the dishes were soon stacked on the counter ready to go into the dish washing machine. Caleb pulled the brass handle on the four-foot tall device. The door itself was steel with two porthole-style windows. Copper tubes ran on the outside to put water in and then take it back out when the machine was done. After getting the dishes loaded into the unit, Caleb pushed the door back shut and turned a lever to lock it into place. He then turned a valve slowly, watching the pressure gauge to allow just the right amount of water pressure. He then turned another valve and let in the right amount of steam to run the mechanism.

 After everything was set they both retired to the study, which was adorned with ancient tomes, brass magnifying glasses, and steam-powered gadgets. They settled in a comfortable leather love seat, their closeness electric with anticipation.

Amara cleared her throat, her eyes locking with Caleb's. "Caleb, I've been struggling to understand the Old Testament. I was hoping you could help me gain some clarity."

Caleb nodded, his heart pounding with the knowledge that this was an opportunity to grow closer. 

“The way I was taught,” he said. “Is to go back to the very first promise given by God. It is in Genesis 3:15.”

They opened their bibles together and turned to the text.

“I will make you(Satan), and the woman(Eve)enemies. Your descendants and her descendant will always be enemies. He(Jesus), will crush your head and you will hurt his foot.” Caleb looked over at Amara. “The whole theme of the old testament is the fight between God, who is keeping an avenue open for Jesus to come, and Satan who is trying to close off every avenue he can so Jesus never comes.

Amara returned his gaze, “So when Satan took Jesus to the high place,” she quickly turned Luke 4:5,6 and read, “After that the devil led Jesus up to a high place. In one moment, he showed him all the countries in the world. ‘I will let you rule the whole world,’ the devil said, ‘and I will give you power over everyone and over everything. It all belongs to me. So, I can give it to anyone I choose,’”Amara looked up from reading. “Satan had the power over earth and Jesus came to take it back!”

“That’s right,” Caleb said, “Jesus was telling Satan He was here to crush his head!” He continued, “The fall of Adam and Eve was both moral and governmental. When looking at the larger perspective, sin was already in heaven when God created the earth. Satan was already gathering his followers. So when God walked with Adam and Eve in the garden, I am sure He warned them of Satan. Take for example, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. They were not to eat of it. In the narrow view if we see it as pertaining to ourselves, only, we see it as God saying, ‘Don’t touch that tree,’ and if we view it as before sin we will also see it as a test of obedience. However, in the context of the larger great controversy view, they would have been told about the tree after sin entered the universe. So then the tree was not so much a test of obedience, but for their protection. God would only let Satan approach Adam and Eve at that particular tree. God was not limiting them, He was protecting them by limiting Satan. It was a breakdown in their trust of God’s character which was the first thing Satan challenged them on. They decided to not trust God and to accept Satan’s government.”

“You’re right!” exclaimed Amara. “In Genesis 3:1 it says, ‘The snake asked the woman, Did God REALLY say, “Both of you must not eat from any tree in the garden”?’” She shook her head, “It is always an attack on God’s character, even today!”

Caleb nodded in approval and as the study session neared its end, Amara leaned her head against Caleb's shoulder, her eyes filled with gratitude. Caleb felt a warm sensation spread through him, a feeling he couldn't ignore.

Amara looked up at him, her eyes reflecting the soft, golden light of the room. "Caleb, thank you for your help. I appreciate it more than words can express."

Caleb smiled and gently ran his fingers through her hair. "Amara, I'm grateful for this opportunity to be close to you and share something meaningful. You're an extraordinary woman, and I'm truly blessed to have you in my life."

In that moment, as the gears of one of Caleb’s steam clocks clicked away, Caleb realized that their relationship was building into something that could last forever. The steampunk world they inhabited was a fitting backdrop to their love, a blend of the old and the new, just like the timeless connection they were forging together.

“But the plan of redemption had yet a broader and deeper purpose than the

 salvation of man.

It was not for this alone that Christ came to the earth;

 it was not merely that the inhabitants

of this little world might regard the law of God as it should be regarded; 

but it was to vindicate the character of God before the universe.

To this result of His great sacrifice--its influence upon the 

Intelligence’s of other worlds, as well

As upon man--the savior looked forward when just before His crucifixion He said:

“Now is the judgement of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.

And I, if I be lifted up from earth, will draw all unto me.” John 12:31,32.

The act of Christ in dying for the salvation of man would 

not only make heaven accessible to men,

but before all the universe it would justify God and His Son 

in their dealing with the rebellion of Satan.

It would establish the perpetuity of the law of God and 

would reveal the nature and the results of sin.

Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets, 68-69


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