The Treasure

 The steam-powered airship hovered ominously over the silent island, its propellers still as the crew prepared for the daring underwater expedition. Joshua had finished his ingenious steam engine that powered the air-generating apparatus in the diving suit. He had felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension at it’s completion. Now Captain Atherton, a grizzled figure with a weathered face, stood at the helm, his eyes fixed on the distant shore of the island below.

As Joshua knelt having his morning prayer, Alexander, the first mate, approached with a heavy knock on his cabin door. "Joshua," he said, his voice low and urgent, "we've arrived at the coordinates. We need you on deck to get ready to deploy the diver."

Startled from his thoughts, Joshua got up and followed Alexander to the deck where the once familiar hum of the airship's engines had ceased. The vessel floated eerily just above the ocean, and a stone's throw away from a rugged island. The air was thick with anticipation, and Joshua could feel the tension among the crew.

Captain Atherton motioned for Joshua to join him at the railing. Together, they peered over the side, taking in the desolate landscape below. The island, heavily shrouded in dense forest, seemed untouched by civilization. No signs of life were visible except for the occasional seal basking on the rocky shores.

"Joshua," Captain Atherton spoke, his voice low but determined, "this is where your invention will prove its worth. We're after a treasure buried beneath the ocean floor, guarded by the secrets of this forsaken island."

“Is this treasure really worth all the trouble you are going through to secure it?” Joshua asked.

The captain smirked, “It will provide enough worth that my sailors and I can retire and live very comfortable lives,” he replied. “What more could we ask for?  This will free us from having to live under the thumb of a corrupt system,” he thudded his fist onto the railing.

“No amount of wealth will free your conscience, or free you from the sin of this world,” replied Joshua with concern in his voice. He had grown to like this gruff pirate captain, and he hated to see him so obsessed with this treasure and the allure of the false sense of comfort it would bring.

  Captain Atherton grunted and sternly pointed to a sailor on deck who was donning the diving suit, a cumbersome ensemble of thick clothing and a round metal helmet. Joshua understood the captain’s dismissal and hurriedly went down to the deck and started his steam engine. Spurts of steam came from the overflow valve and the gears turned seamlessly. With a couple of adjustments to the steam input valves, Joshua was satisfied that the engine was working well.  He looked through the helmet’s port hole at the diver, ensuring the air tube was securely connected to the helmet's inlet. The diver signaled readiness with a thumbs up, and Joshua felt a surge of pride in his creation.

The suited diver stepped into heavy boots, and the crew meticulously checked all attachments. A small steam crane, operated by a focused sailor, hoisted the diver over the railing and gently lowered him into the water. Joshua watched intently as bubbles rose to the surface, a sign that his invention was functioning flawlessly.

Alexander clapped Joshua on the back. “You did well. It is working great!”

Captain Atherton, his eyes glinting with anticipation, approached Joshua. "If all goes well," he said, "the treasure will soon be ours. Keep a close eye on that engine. I don’t want to lose a good sailor today!"

As Joshua monitored the steam engine, unaware of his son’s attempt to rescue him, Caleb continued his clandestine journey on the constabulary ship. Hidden away, he overheard the captain's discussions about the disabled airship and the pursuit. Determined, Caleb had made use of his time by praying and sneaking down to the galley during the night to get some food and water as well as trying to come up with a plan to find a way onto the next constabulary vessel to rescue his father.

Shouts erupted on the deck of the Sky Serpent bringing Joshua out of his focus on his steam engine. The diver had been down for several hours keeping Joshua busy oiling and tweaking his engine so it would stay running. But now excitement and tension arose among the captain and his crew, as the crane slowly brought the diver up from the ocean depths. As the diver cleared the water Joshua could see that another line was attached to the crane hook and soon after the diver was above water a barnacle covered chest followed him. Soon both were on the deck.

“Hand me the sledge!” barked Atherton.

A sailor quickly handed him the sledge and he stood with it firmly in his hands, taking a brief look around at the excited crew, he lifted it over his head and slammed it down onto the chest, breaking it open and allowing it’s contents to be spilled out on the deck.

Back home, Sandy, Joshua's wife, grappled with worry and uncertainty. Discovering Caleb's note, hastily written in the throes of determination, she felt a surge of anxiety. The detective's assurance that Caleb could not be in a more safe location provided little comfort, and she turned to prayer, Abigail, and work to sustain her during the agonizing wait.

Days passed, and the fates of Joshua, Caleb, Sandy, and Abigail became intertwined in a steampunk tale of adventure, danger, and a quest to reveal truth to a bitter pirate.

“Don’t spend your energy trying to get earthly wealth which thieves can steal,

or which decays by rust, or which merely loses value over time. Instead,

use your energy to build a heavenly treasure of love and goodness, which

cannot be stolen and will not decay. For whatever you treasure the most

is what holds the devotion of your heart, and it is where you will want to be.”

Matthew 6:19-21 The Remedy, by Dr. Tim Jennings


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