I Will Be With You Always

 Caleb had endured a relentless storm aboard the constabulary airship, his hands tired from tightening cables and gripping tightly to the railing as wind and rain slashed against the ship's hull. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, morning broke and the storm subsided. Looking off the bow he saw that he had reached his destination: the disabled constabulary airship, Eagle One, that was going to rescue his captive father.

Captain Allison of the Thunder Hawk deftly pulled his ship alongside the Eagle One so that their balloons were just touching. The smaller, sleeker Thunder Hawk looked even smaller nestled next to such a big airship. Grappling hooks with ropes were tossed across the twenty-foot expanse between decks and quickly tied off to secure the two ships. Captain Allison turned to Caleb, who was standing next to him.

"I don't think you know this, but your dad made the constabulary an invention that we use on this ship."

He gave a signal with his hand and a sailor on deck pulled a long handle. The ship shook slightly and a belch of steam came up from the side facing the Eagle One. Caleb looked on in amazement as a section of the side of the Thunder Hawk started to rise. After the section had fully risen another belch of steam was released, and, with cogs and gears spinning, a metal platform was extended from the hold over to the Eagle One. Two hooks at the front end of the platform slipped over the railing of the Eagle One to secure the platform . With the release of more steam a conveyer belt on top of the platform started to move. Soon the new parts for the Eagle One were on their way. A sense of pride filled Caleb's heart knowing his dad had invented this amazing system.

The new parts were quickly unloaded from the Thunder Hawk and the sounds of installation filled the air. Caleb could feel a glimmer of hope as he watched the crew work diligently to repair the crippled ship. Captain Allison led Caleb over the gang plank to 'Eagle One' to meet with Captain Thurston.

"This is Caleb Hawthorne," said captain Allison as they walked up to the Eagle One's captain.

Standing tall and thin with stern eyes, Captain Thurston greeted Caleb with a nod.

"He is the son of Joshua Hawthorne, the man Eagle One has been sent to save from pirates. Caleb stowed away on my ship, but after he was exposed we had a lengthy conversation and I decided to make him one of the crew. He has definitely proven himself as a skilled sailor during last night's treacherous storm. Now, he is ready to transfer over to Eagle One and help rescue his father."

Captain Thurston shook his head sadly in response, "I am afraid that the rescue mission is going to be called off."

Caleb's heart sank. "Why?!" He protested.

"We have no idea which direction they have gone," responded Captain Thurston. "Plus the last sighting of the Sky Serpent was three days ago!"

Reluctantly, Caleb pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Captain Thurston. As he read its contents, a look of understanding crossed his face.

"This is why I need to get to my father," Caleb told him. "This is why I need to continue on with the mission." He waited anxiously for the captain's response.

After a moment of contemplation, Captain Thurston turned to his crew on deck. "Let's get a move on those repairs men, we have a pirate ship to catch. We will have our revenge!" He barked out some more orders and turned to Caleb. "How are you with heights?"

"They have never bothered me before," replied Caleb.

"Good, then I want you to climb up the cables to the catwalk on the balloon. I need every cable attachment checked and repaired if needed."

Caleb looked at his packed duffle bag sitting by his feet.

"Right," the captain said. "Scooner!"

A young sailor, no older than Caleb, came running.

"Show Mr. Hawthorne to a bunk and then join him on cable repair."

"Aye, aye captain," replied Scooner.

Captain Thurston turned to captain Allison.

"Did he show you that note?"

"No he didn't," replied captain Allison confused.

"Let's go to my cabin and I'll explain, I owe you a good meal for coming to my rescue."

Scooner took Caleb below and directed him through the hallways to a cabin that had room for eight hammocks and a couple of wash stands. Caleb set his duffle bag down by a hammock that Scooner had indicated was empty.

"Could you give me just a minute?" Caleb asked Scooner.

"Sure thing," Scooner replied with a smile. "I'll see you on deck," and with that he turned and left the cabin.

Caleb looked around the cabin and then knelt by one of the wash stands.

"Dear Lord, I want to thank you for impressing the captain to continue the rescue mission for my dad. Please keep him safe until we can get there. Please help us to be able to find where he is quickly. You know the burden that I am faced with. I really need my dad's strength to help me through the rough times that lay ahead. I know that you will be there with me also and I can't say thank you enough for your love. Please grant me the strength for the days ahead. Please don't let my health fail me. As always dear Lord, please help me to know how to witness to those around me on this ship. Thank you. Amen"

Caleb rose and went up on deck. Scooner was standing next to the railing hanging unto the cables they were going to have to climb. He had a broad smile on and waved for Caleb to join him. Caleb smiled back and headed over. He knew he was going to like Scooner.

As Caleb crossed the deck he felt the ship start to sway underneath him. He stopped but the swaying got worse. He looked back at Scooner whose smile was replaced with a look of fear. The horizon started to spin. "No! No! No!" he thought. "Not now!" Looking up, the huge balloon above faded into darkness.


For I am absolutely convinced that God is totally on our side and nothing can separate us from His love: neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the past nor the present nor future, nor any power in the universe; neither things exalted nor things debased, nor anything else in all creation - nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38,39  The Remedy, by Dr. Tim Jennings


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