Not All Treasure

Everyone on the Sea Serpent was so intent on deciphering the notes in the bible that they didn't see Joshua sneak out on deck. He quickly attached a note to one of the small buoys, stacked and ready to be deployed if needed. He carried the buoy to the railing and dropped it over just as the airship started to turn and gain altitude. Joshua looked both ways to make sure he hadn't drawn any attention. Whatever splash the buoy made when it hit the water was silenced by the roar of the engines gaining speed.

Joshua made his way back through the cabin corridors. The steam pipes lining the ceiling popped and rattled as demand for more steam was required by the airship. It sliced through the night heading to its new destination.

Joshua wiped away a bead of sweat, nervous that someone may have seen him. As he passed the galley he could hear the excited voices of the crew. They had deciphered enough of the clues in the bible to know that the next treasure was just a days flight away at another deserted island.

Joshua's heart raced as he hurriedly made his way to his small workshop at the bow of the airship. He closed the door behind him and sank onto the stool, the musty scent of the sea and gear oil filling the room. He reached over and picked up the cross, its words clear to him after magnifying them through his monocle.

His mind buzzed with anticipation as he thought how he would present the message to Captain Atherton in the morning. The Sea Serpent was not just an ordinary airship; it was a vessel full of pirates on a quest for lost treasures. And Joshua, abducted and forced to join the crew, was made to help seek out what lay hidden in the far reaches of uncharted lands.

As he studied the beautifully gilded cross once more, he prayed that whoever was coming to rescue him would find the buoy.


Caleb awoke with a slight headache. It took his eyes a minute to focus, but when they did he realized that he was in sick bay. A slight movement caught his attention and he turned his head to see Scooner, sound asleep, slouched in a chair near his bed.

Caleb groaned and shifted his body, trying to find a more comfortable position. The dull ache in his head persisted, but his confusion overshadowed the pain. How did he end up in sick bay? And why was Scooner here?

As Caleb's mind cleared, memories flooded back to him in fragments. The balloon overhead, Scooner waiting for him on deck. It all seemed like a hazy dream. He struggled to sit up, wincing as his headache intensified.

Scooner stirred, his eyes flickering open. Startled, he straightened up in the chair and rubbed his tired eyes. "Caleb? You're awake," he said with a mix of relief and concern.

Caleb nodded weakly. "What happened? How did I end up here?"

Scooner sighed and ran a hand through his disheveled hair. "You collapsed on deck. Must've been the excitement or maybe you realized you are scared of heights."

Caleb shook his head, "No Scooner, it is more than that. Just before I came on this mission, the doctors at home told me that I have a brain tumor. They said that it wasn't big enough yet to cause me too many issues. I guess they were wrong."

"Does Captain Thurston know? Scooner asked.

"Yes he does," replied Caleb rubbing his temple. "I showed him the note from the doctors when I came aboard." A look of shock came across Caleb's face as he realized the ramifications. "Captain Thurston was only going to go after the pirate ship because of my condition. Now that this has happened do you think he will change his mind?"

"Not sure," replied Scooner just as the echo of boots came from the corridor.

Captain Thurston entered the sick bay followed by his first mate.

"Good, you're awake!" He said as he stepped up to the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"A slight headache, but otherwise OK." responded Caleb.

"The doctor says your vitals all check out OK, but I won't be sending you climbing cables any time soon."

"Are you going to change your mind about going for my dad?" Caleb asked, unable to look the captain in the eye, afraid of what his answer might be.

Captain Thurston scratched his chin, concern etched on his face. "No Caleb, I think this has just stepped up our time table. I will make you a promise, I will see the safe return of your father. All I ask in return is that you stay alive long enough to witness it."

Caleb nodded solemnly. "I will do my best sir."

"Good! We should be able to leave in the morning. The engine work is almost done. The rest of the work can be done while we are on our way." With that the captain turned and headed for the door.

"What can I do to help?" Caleb asked after him.

The captain paused but didn't turn. "Rest up for a couple of days. Then we will appraise the situation and see." With that he was gone.


Joshua stood at Captain Atherton's desk. He had just laid the cross down in front of him.

"So what am I looking at?" The captain demanded. "Besides a gold plated cross, that I should melt down and cash in."

"The same person that wrote the notes in the bible, also imprinted words on this cross," replied Joshua.

Taking a piece of paper out of his pocket, he unfolded it and laid it next to the cross.

"Not all treasure fills your pockets," he said.

"This is what is written?" The captain asked.

Joshua nodded in affirmation.

The captain began to read,

"When Jesus was hung on the cross the wrath of Satan and the wrath of God were on display for the whole universe to see. Satan's wrath of power and force in striking contrast to God's wrath displayed in the ceasing of power pulling away his loving protection. Jesus gave himself up willingly, dying of a broken heart, feeling the total separation from his father. This total cessation of power disproved Satan's lies about God's character and the universe was solidified in their love for God. This knowledge is the true treasure."

The captain kept studying the words with his brow furrowed.

"As people we have the choice," Joshua spoke in a soft tone. "We can either follow Satan's example and treat others with force and coercion, or follow God's example and treat others with love and freedom. Even Christian people can use biblical truths to coerce and in so doing give a wrong picture of God's true character. You have witnessed that personally. God's ways are not the ways of man. The choice is yours, you can allow your experience to harden your heart, or you can allow the love of God to change you. God will not force you and He will wait patiently for your choice. Just know that you are forgiven, all you have to do is accept Jesus and allow Him into your heart."

Captain Atherton looked up at Joshua and a tear slipped down his cheek.

"I would ask you to leave now," he said in a shaky voice. "I need to be alone," his head dropped down and he continued to stare at the cross.  Joshua made his way out of the cabin silently praying that the captain would allow his heart to be opened, and that the buoy would not be missed.


Oh, the magnitude of the worth and value of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How infinite is his intelligence; and His method of governing is beyond the ability of humans to reproduce!

Romans 11:33 The Remedy, by Dr. Tim Jennings


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