Treasure of the Heart

 Everyone stood looking at the smashed treasure chest. It's contents spilled out on the deck of the airship. Captain Atherton looked on with wide eyes and a slump to his shoulders. The handle of the sledge hammer he used to break the chest open slipped from his limp hand. The handle made a dull thump as it hit the deck.

The treasure that they had worked so hard to obtain was nothing but a gold cross and a book. The captain shook himself out of his stupor and reached down and picked up the book.

"A Bible," he said through gritted teeth and flung it back down on the deck. With that he turned and stormed off the deck, slamming the cabin door behind him.

The crew exchanged bewildered glances as Captain Atherton's heavy footsteps faded away. They were left standing there, disheartened and confused, their aspirations of untold riches shattered. Each member of the crew had their own reasons for joining this perilous expedition, hoping to secure a brighter future for themselves and their loved ones, but now it seemed like their dreams had slipped through their fingers like grains of sand.

Joshua was the first to break the heavy silence. He bent down and picked up the discarded Bible with a tender touch, examining its worn cover and delicate pages. A flicker of curiosity ignited within him as he noticed some handwritten notes scrawled in the margins.

"This isn't just any Bible," Joshua murmured, his voice filled with intrigue. "It seems to hold secrets within its pages."

Intrigued by Joshua's discovery, the crew surrounding him leaned in to catch a glimpse of the mysterious book. There were whispers of excitement and a renewed spark in their eyes as they realized that maybe, just maybe, this Bible held more than meets the eye. Captain Atherton's hasty dismissal suddenly seemed like a missed opportunity.

With everyone gathered around, Joshua carefully opened the book, revealing the yellowed pages filled with handwritten annotations. The crew leaned in closer, their eagerness palpable as they began to decipher the hidden messages within.

"Look," Joshua pointed to a highlighted verse. "It is Matthew 6:19-21." He read it out loud, "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and were thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

"What does it mean?" asked the first mate.

"I think it is a warning," Joshua said. "I think whoever made these notations was trying to tell anyone who found this Bible that there was treasure to be found, but it will not bring happiness."

The first mate took the Bible from Joshua and moved closer to his shipmates. As they delved deeper into the margins, the crew discovered cryptic clues and maps scribbled alongside verses. It soon became clear that this Bible was no ordinary religious artifact but a guide to unimaginable treasures scattered across unknown lands.

Sarah, an agile and quick-witted member of the crew, traced her finger along one of the maps outlined by faded ink. "Look here," she exclaimed, pointing to a small island marked on the map. "It seems this is our next destination."

A sense of renewed purpose filled the airship as the crew began fervently discussing their next course of action. The disappointment of the empty treasure chest was now overshadowed by the prospect of an even greater adventure. They were once again filled with hope and determination, ready to embark on a journey that would test their skills, courage, and loyalty to one another.

Joshua shook his head and headed to his cabin below deck. He realized nothing he said would change their minds. Worldly riches were all that they could focus on. He would have loved to explore the other notes that were written on those pages. Whoever had written them had found the lasting truth of happiness. On his way he passed the discarded cross laying on the deck. He bent down and picked it up. It was heavy and the gold leafing was real. There was a small fortune just in this cross. Something caught his eye, and looking closer, he could see very small writing inlaid into the gold. He looked back over his shoulder, the crew was so intent on the notations in the Bible they were not paying any attention to him. He cradled the cross in his arms and headed for his workbench.

Captain Atherton, locked away in his cabin, could hear the muffled commotion outside. His anger and frustration had momentarily clouded his judgment, causing him to dismiss the Bible as worthless, but as he listened to the enthusiasm of his crew, a flicker of curiosity began to stir within him.

He pushed open the cabin door and stepped out into the corridor, peering through the portholes at the crew gathered around the book. The sight of their animated faces sparked something within him, a realization that perhaps he had been too quick to dismiss the significance of the Bible.

As Captain Atherton made his way towards the crew, he could feel a shift in the atmosphere. Their eyes met and the crew fell silent, casting curious glances at their captain. Captain Atherton cleared his throat, his voice filled with a newfound determination.

"Perhaps I was wrong to dismiss this Bible so hastily," he began, his voice steady and resolute. "There may be more to it than meets the eye. It seems that our journey has taken an unexpected turn, and I believe it is our duty to follow it through."

The crew members exchanged surprised looks, the flicker of hope returning to their eyes. They had never seen their captain admit a mistake before, let alone express such eagerness to pursue a new path.

"I propose we combine our skills and knowledge," Captain Atherton continued, his words commanding attention. "Let us unravel these hidden messages together and embark on this treasure hunt."

The crew nodded in agreement, their trust in their captain renewed.

"Let's move to the galley and get this figured out. We may end up wealthy yet!" He exclaimed.

A shout went up from the crew. Joshua looked up from his workbench where the cross now laid. His magnifying monocle making his one eye look out of proportion. He had heard the crews shout of joy. He shook his head, "If they only knew what I am reading on this cross." He bent back over the cross reading and making notes.


So live to give: sell what you don’t need, and give to bless the less fortunate.

Let your hearts cherish and hold to love, and therefore be

like a purse that won’t decay, filled with an eternal treasure that will

never run out, and which no thief can steal. For what you treasure most

is where your heart is.

 Luke 12:33,34  

 The Remedy, Dr. Tim Jennings


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