
Showing posts from February, 2024

Back Home

  The return journey to Steam Haven aboard the constabulary airship was uneventful, save for the occasional gust of wind that caused the ship to sway. Caleb stood at the railing, taking in the beautiful blue sky dotted by the occasional cloud. Today was a good day for him, as he felt his mind clear and his spirits lift. Joshua joined him, and they both watched as the city slowly came into view. The buildings adorned in shimmering copper, brass, and iron, reflect ed  the noonday sun like a dazzling mirage. As they drew closer, Caleb's eyes focused on the intricate tower clock that he and Ezekiel had spent countless hours building. He could almost hear the rhythmic ticking of the gears and cogs moving in perfect harmony to keep time. The familiar sight brought a smile to his face. But the  constabulary  airship wasn't the only one in the sky. As they neared the outskirts of Steam Haven, more and more airships came into view creating a congested sky highway. Each ship differed in


  Caleb peered through the lenses of his handheld telescope, the weight of it causing a slight strain in his already weakened arms . But today, blessedly, was a good day. As they sailed closer to an island, Caleb caught sight of a buoy bobbing in the shimmering waters below. With excitement and urgency, he ran to the stern of the airship. “There’s a buoy down there!” Caleb pointed urgently. Following Caleb's lead, Captain Thurston expertly steered the ship lower and slower until they were just above the buoy. With careful maneuvering, they were able to  deploy the steam driven mechanical arm and  retrieve it with ease. Excitement coursed through Caleb's veins as he eagerly opened a  tube attached to the buoy, finding a crumpled note inside. His heart was encouraged  as he read his father's words - Doing ok .  The next stop will be at an island a day’s trip due west from here. Without hesitation, Captain Thurston barked out orders to change course and head in the direction  

Found Treasure

  Joshua awoke to the bustling of feet out in the corridor. The sound of hissing steam and the sinking feeling in his legs told him that the airship was descending. He quickly got dressed and joined the crew on deck. Everyone was at the railing and pointing. As Joshua joined them he could hear the excited whispers of ,  "There's the island!" The sun was just coming up over the horizon cast ing  the palm trees on the island in a golden hue. Captain Atherton brought the airship down close to the water and gave the order to drop anchor. They had arrived at the island that the notes in the bible described. Accordingly there was a vast treasure hidden somewhere on the small deserted island. "Lower the skiffs!" shouted the captain. Another release of steam ,  and with whirring gears ,  mechanical arms lowered two skiffs that were attached to the side of the airship. Captain Atherton picked ten sailors and soon they were paddling to shore. Joshua climbed the cables to