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 The return journey to Steam Haven aboard the constabulary airship was uneventful, save for the occasional gust of wind that caused the ship to sway. Caleb stood at the railing, taking in the beautiful blue sky dotted by the occasional cloud. Today was a good day for him, as he felt his mind clear and his spirits lift. Joshua joined him, and they both watched as the city slowly came into view. The buildings adorned in shimmering copper, brass, and iron, reflected the noonday sun like a dazzling mirage.

As they drew closer, Caleb's eyes focused on the intricate tower clock that he and Ezekiel had spent countless hours building. He could almost hear the rhythmic ticking of the gears and cogs moving in perfect harmony to keep time. The familiar sight brought a smile to his face.

But the constabulary airship wasn't the only one in the sky. As they neared the outskirts of Steam Haven, more and more airships came into view creating a congested sky highway. Each ship differed in design, from galleon-style vessels suspended by cables from large balloons to massive cargo ships with their flat decks piled high with containers. One particular ship caught Joshua's attention - a smaller vessel with carriage-like compartments hanging from a traditional hot air balloon above it. It darted between the larger ships with ease.

Finally, they landed at their designated dock, surrounded by other steampunk creations, towering factories belching steam, mechanical contraptions whirring and clanking, and curious onlookers peering at them from below.

"There's Mom and Abigail!" Caleb said excitedly, pointing to the two waving from the dock.

Joshua smiled and waved back. It sure is going to be nice being back with the family again, he thought to himself. Together as a family they could get through whatever lay ahead with Caleb.

It wasn't long and the airship bumped gently against the dock. Sailors on deck scurried to throw ropes to the waiting dock hands. After the ship was tied off and the walkway extended by steam driven mechanical arms, Caleb and Joshua were able to disembark. Prolonged hugs were next as each expressed their joy.

"Let's get a carriage and go home for some homemade lunch!" Sandy said, smiling broadly.

Joshua glanced at Caleb and saw that Caleb's smile had been replaced with a forlorn look.

"I'm going to have to take a rain check on that Mom," he responded. Pulling his shoulders back he continued. "I am going to have to go straight to the hospital."

Sandy gasped.  "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Right before I left to go find Dad," Caleb explained, putting his hands on Sandy's shoulders. "I got word from the doctor that I have a brain tumor. While I was on this trip I have started having some issues and they’re serious enough that I better not delay getting help."

Tears welled up in Sandy's eyes and Abigail started crying softly.

"Then we better get moving," Sandy said through trembling lips. "You can give me more detail as we go."

Joshua hailed a carriage, and after the automaton loaded their belongings in the trunk, they were on their way to the hospital.

Fortunately, when they arrived at the hospital they found that Caleb's doctor was on duty. After filling out the needed forms and a short wait in the waiting room, an orderly came and took Caleb to a room. Soon after they got Caleb settled the doctor came in.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Hawthorne," he said as he shook each of their hands. "I am sure you have plenty of questions, but let me tell you the procedure first and then, if you still have questions I will be happy to answer them."

They both nodded in agreement so he continued.

"We will take Caleb into surgery to try to remove as much of the tumor as possible. Because of its location on the brain we won't be able to get it all, but hopefully what we will take out will relieve some of the pressure and help him feel somewhat better. After Caleb has made it past the surgery and has stabilized, we will then start treatments and see if we can get rid of the rest of the tumor," he ended with a pat on Caleb's leg.

"What is the prognosis?" Sandy asked, worry etched on her face.

"We cannot say right now, unfortunately," the doctor said shaking his head. "It all depends on how much of the tumor we can extract, and how well Caleb responds to the treatments.

"Then we will pray for God to guide the surgeon’s hand," Joshua spoke up.

"Just so you know," the doctor said in a cautionary tone. "Even if all goes well in surgery, Caleb is going to have months of treatment and it’s going to be tough."

No one had any more questions so the doctor said his goodbyes and left the room.

The room was quiet as each one processed what lay ahead.

Caleb was the first to speak. "You know, if the worst comes and I pass away into sleep, I am ok. I know that I love Jesus and that the next thing I will see is Him coming to take us to our real home. If I am to continue on this earth I will be a living example as to the converting power of the character of God. When we accept Jesus into our hearts He works on getting rid of our sinful nature, just like the doctors are going to work on getting rid of this tumor. And just like the treatments, getting rid of that sinful nature is not always easy and can sometimes cause us pain. As I work with these doctors, though, I will always have the hope that one day I will be free of this tumor. And as we work with Jesus we always have the hope that one day we will be free of our sinful nature and develop a Christlike character."

"You have grown into a very wise young man," Joshua said holding back tears.

"We will all be here to help every step of the way," Abigail said as she gave Caleb a hug.

Sandy joined Abigail in hugging Caleb, she looked at Joshua and motioned him to join them. He did so gladly.


I ask Him to strengthen you by His spirit ---

Not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength --

That Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite Him in.

And I ask Him that with both feet planted firmly on Love,

You’ll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant

Dimensions of Christ’s Love.

Reach out and experience the breadth!  Test its length! Plumb the depths!

Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God.


Ephesians 3:14-19  The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language





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