
 Caleb peered through the lenses of his handheld telescope, the weight of it causing a slight strain in his already weakened arms. But today, blessedly, was a good day. As they sailed closer to an island, Caleb caught sight of a buoy bobbing in the shimmering waters below. With excitement and urgency, he ran to the stern of the airship.

“There’s a buoy down there!” Caleb pointed urgently.

Following Caleb's lead, Captain Thurston expertly steered the ship lower and slower until they were just above the buoy. With careful maneuvering, they were able to deploy the steam driven mechanical arm and retrieve it with ease. Excitement coursed through Caleb's veins as he eagerly opened a tube attached to the buoy, finding a crumpled note inside. His heart was encouraged as he read his father's words -

Doing ok. The next stop will be at an island a day’s trip due west from here.

Without hesitation, Captain Thurston barked out orders to change course and head in the direction provided by Joshua. The airship sliced through the clouds, propelled by determination and as much steam as the boilers could produce.


Joshua stirred from his slumber on the pirate ship, the ringing of an alarm bell signaling danger. He scrambled up on deck, passing by drunken and sleeping pirates from the previous night's festivities. As he reached the stern, he found Captain Atherton with a deep frown etched on his face.

Following the captain's gaze upwards, Joshua's heart soared at the sight of a constabulary airship closing in on them.

He turned to Captain Atherton, “Aren’t you going to make a run for it?

His query was met with a solemn shake of the head. It’s too late - our lookout was too groggy to spot the approaching ship in time. With their weapons pointed at us, there is little hope of escape now.

A glimmer of hope flickered in Joshua's heart as he watched the constabulary airship draw near. Despite his confusion at their lack of immediate action to capture the pirate airship, Joshua couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief wash over him.

Unbeknownst to Joshua, his son Caleb was on board that constabulary airship. When the constabulary airship signaled for a meeting with the pirate captain, Atherton, Joshua couldn't help but wonder what was going on.

Tell them I will only meet on skiffs in the water between the two ships,” Atherton told his first mate standing next to him. “If anything happens take the ship and make a run for it.”


The sea rippled and the skiffs rocked slightly beneath their feet as the two captains stood face to face, Atherton wary and Thurston determined.

“On any other day, I would be happy to blow your ship out of the air,” stated Captain Thurston. “But today is different - Mr. Hawthorne’s son is battling a brain tumor. Who knows how much time he has. So I am asking for a peaceful handing over of Mr. Hawthorne.  If you will do this you and your crew will be allowed to go free.

“I may be a pirate,” responded Captain Atherton. “but I am not void of compassion. I will gladly hand him over.”

With a heavy heart, Captain Atherton returned to his ship to retrieve Joshua. As he climbed back on deck, he looked at Joshua sadly. “Please go pack your things Joshua,” he said. “We have made a deal with the constabulary to peacefully return you to them.”

Joshua nodded and went below, Why was he so sad? He thought as he quickly packed his things.

 Joshua made his way back on deck and approached Atherton. “I am all set,” he said.

Atherton looked Joshua in the eye, “I want you to know, I have come to think of you as a friend more than a captive. Please remember me in your prayers. If I ever get back to praying, I will pray for you also.”

Joshua felt overwhelmed with emotion by the captain’s statement. This man that had taken him captive and did not have any connection with God, was now thinking about praying?!

“I know this sounds odd given the circumstances of our encounter, but I also consider you my friend. You are already in my prayers and you will always be there,” Joshua reached out and shook Atherton’s hand.

The captain turned and walked back to the helm. Joshua paused for just a moment watching him, then turned and climbed over the rail and down to the waiting skiff.

As Joshua started to board the constabulary ship, he stopped halfway up the ladder and  watched as the Sea Serpent took off into the sky, he wondered if Atherton would ever come to know Jesus.

Captain Thurston was waiting as Joshua came over the rail. As soon as Joshua’s feet hit the deck the captain said, “Mr. Hawthorne! Welcome aboard, please follow me.” As they walked, the captain continued to speak. “Your son is on board with us. He wanted to come to your rescue, but he is in sick bay right now…”

“Sick bay! What’s wrong?!” interrupted Joshua.

“I’ll let your son explain when we get there.  This way, please.”

The captain stayed quiet for the walk through the corridors to sick bay. Stepping into sick bay, Joshua saw Caleb lying on a gurney with closed eyes. Quickly he crossed the room.  Caleb heard him and opened his eyes, a big smile crossed his face, “You made it!” he said. “I am so happy to see you dad,” he tried to sit up, but the pounding in his head made him fall back on the gurney.

Joshua put his hand under Caleb’s head. “What is wrong son?” Concern etched Joshua’s face.

“I am not feeling the greatest,” Caleb responded wryly. “The day you were abducted, I found out that I have a brain tumor. I stowed away with the constabulary because I needed to rescue you so that you could be with me through treatments. Captain Thurston allowed me to join his crew so I could play a part in your rescue. I don’t think I can get through this without you dad,” a tear slipped down his cheek.

Joshua sat stunned for a minute. “I am so glad that we are back together son,” he said recovering. “I will be with you from here on,” he said as his eyes welled with tears.

They heard the engines start up, signaling that the airship was headed back home. Joshua drew his son close, grateful for his rescue, and determined --with God’s help-- to face whatever challenges lie ahead with Caleb.


Who, then, shall ever separate us from the love of the Christ?

Shall problems, or hardships, or criticism, or persecution, or hunger,

or disease, or homelessness, or nakedness, or imprisonment, or financial ruin,

or terrorist, or war? As it is written:

“For no matter what we face, including death, we will not doubt you;

Even if we are treated as sheep to the slaughter -

Our confidence in you will not waiver.”


Romans 8:35,36  The Remedy, by Dr. Tim Jennings


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