Faith Through Illness

 The bustling city of Steam Haven was a symphony of brass gears turning and steam-powered contraptions whirring. The clatter of metal on metal filled the streets, creating a chorus that could only be heard in this world of advanced technology. Within this mechanical splendor, Caleb found himself trapped in a sterile hospital room, locked in a battle against an invisible enemy - cancer. Each day felt like an eternity as he endured the grueling treatments, his body weak and fatigued under the harsh fluorescent lights.

The familiar hum of medical machinery filled the air, a constant reminder of his fragile state. The sterile walls and medical equipment served as stark reminders of his struggle against this relentless disease. His family stood by his side, offering words of encouragement and prayers for his recovery, but even their unwavering support couldn't ease the physical and emotional strain he felt.

As the days dragged on, Caleb couldn't help but question why this had happened to him. He had always tried to live a righteous life, so why was he being punished with this disease? As night fell over the hospital and the relentless noise of the medical equipment softened, he laid in his hospital bed alone. He looked out through the window at the city lights twinkling outside, and listening to the now relentless ticking of the clock feeling an overwhelming sense of despair gnawing at his spirit.

But within the darkness of his suffering, he found solace in an old leather-bound book passed down through generations. Its pages were worn and weathered from years of use, but its words spoke of faith and miracles - something that seemed almost out of reach for Caleb.

One evening, as he gazed at the stars through his hospital window and reflected on his journey, a voice that he had been longing to hear caressed his ears with its sweet comforting tone.

“How is my Caleb doing?” Amara said as she crossed the room. He closed his eyes as she reached out and caressed his cheek.

“I so want this to be over,” he said. “I’ve been waiting for you to come!”

Amara hung her head, her hand posed against his cheek. “I’ve been wanting to come,” she paused and took a deep breath. “I was scared to come, I didn’t know if I could handle seeing you like this. I am so worried that I am going to lose you!” the tears started flowing down her cheeks.

Caleb reached up and took her hand, his grip was weak, but touching her made him feel stronger.

“I understand, but by the grace of God I will make it through and then you will have to put up with me being around all the time.” He smiled wryly.

“You make it through this and I will be stuck to your side forever,” Amara responded.

Amara gave Caleb a renewed sense of determination, his path to recovery was going to be far from smooth. There would be moments when he would question whether it was all worth it - the pain, the exhaustion, the uncertainty. And yet, with Amara and his family by his side, he would persist driven by a glimmer of hope that kept him going.

Amara found that God had given her more strength than she had realized. She found that the fear of seeing Caleb this way had vanished and in its place was the love she felt for this man.


Finding work to be a good distraction, Amara sat at her workbench working on a difficult clock repair. The clock seemed to have a mind of its own and no matter what Amara did it refused to work. In frustration she shoved her tools back and crossed her arms in a huff.

“What seems to be the problem?” Professor Thistledown asked. He had noticed her frustration and had walked over from his workbench.

“No matter what I do this clock seems to not want to work!” Amara frowned at her project.

The professor reached past her and gently picked up the clock. He moved his magnifier monocle over his eye and looked into the clocks mechanism.

“Hmmmm,” he mumbled and reached for a thin pair of tweezers. Using them to reach into the mechanism he gently pulled.

“It appears that the smallest of specks can jimmy the works!” he held up the tweezers that now held a small speck of dirt. Amara had to slip her magnifier on to see it.

Amara took the clock, inserted the key, and wound it up. Immediately the gears started turning and the bell chime counted out the hour.

“How could I have missed that!” exclaimed Amara.

Professor Thistledown rubbed his chin.

“Sometimes you just have to know where to look,” he explained. “When everything seems to be in order you just go back to the beginning. I looked at the cogs on the main drive gear. The speck was caught between the cogs and wouldn’t let the gear mesh with the others.”

Amara sat staring at the now working clock. A look of recognition passed across her face.

“That’s how our walk with God goes sometimes,” she looked up at the professor. “Sometimes I feel like no matter what I do I am not making any progress with God and things are just getting stagnant. I get so frustrated until the Holy Spirit shows me something little in my life that needs to change. Then, with His help, I make that change and like this clock I am put back in sink with God again.” Amara smiled and the professor nodded in agreement.

“It’s the same way with Caleb,” the professor smiled and rested a hand on her shoulder. “He just has a problem that needs to be removed, then he will be back to running the way he is meant to be.”

Just then the door to the workshop flung open and in walked an automaton.

“Message for Miss Amara,” it said as it crossed the room.

“I am Amara,” Amara replied taking the piece of paper it offered.

As Amara opened the note the automaton turned and left.

Amara’s face turned white as she read the note out loud. “Please come to the hospital immediately - Caleb.


“Don’t you know? Haven’t you heard?

The Lord is the everlasting God; He created all the world. He never grows tired

or weary.

No one understands His thoughts. He strengthens those who are weak and tired.

Even those who are young grow weak; young people can fall exhausted.

But those who trust in the Lord for help will find their strength renewed.

They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not be weary;

They will walk and not grow weak.

Isaiah 40:29-31  The Good News Translation




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