
Showing posts from November, 2023

The Revelation

Sandy paced nervously in her workshop, the ticking of the clock echoing her anxiety. Three long days had passed since her husband Joshua's abduction, and Detective Armstrong's arrival was overdue. The workshop door creaked open, revealing the tall, steely-eyed detective. "Mrs. Hawthorne," Detective Armstrong greeted, tipping his hat, "I've got news." Sandy's heart raced as the detective crossed the room. He unfolded a parchment and began to explain. They had discovered an automaton at the abduction site, “...a marvel of clockwork and steam,” he said. “We were able to extract information about the pirates' whereabouts from his memory banks.” "We've dispatched a constabulary airship to intercept the rogues and retrieve your husband," he assured Sandy. Hope flickered in her eyes, but it was not long before the atmosphere in the room darkened. Detective Armstrong continued, “Yesterday our ship intercepted the Sky Serpent and what follow

The Airship

 The airship, christened the "Sky Serpent," sailed through the skies away from the sprawling city of Steam Haven, its ornate gilded balloon catching the glow of the setting sun. Joshua, disoriented and groggy, awoke in a dimly lit, intricately carved room, the unmistakable scent of Australian Buloke and Brazilian Olivewood filling his senses. The rhythmic creaking and swaying beneath his feet hinted at his airborne captivity. Joshua instinctively tried to raise his hand to rub the sore spot on the back of his head, but he realized his wrists were bound behind his back. Years spent as a woodworker granted him a unique advantage – the ability to discern the subtlest scents. He recognized the blend of woods and realized with a sinking feeling that the only people that used those rare and ornate woods were air pirates. With deft fingers, Joshua worked the ropes free, and with a swift motion he tore the hood from his head. His eyes adjusted to the dim light, revealing an intricate


In the bustling city of Steam Haven, where steam-powered contraptions roared through cobbled streets and airships dotted the sky, Joshua worked as a humble inventor with an expertise for crafting small steam engines. One day, an unusual request reached Joshua's workshop. The client's identity was shrouded in mystery, but the promise of a hefty reward enticed him to take on the challenge. With gears whirring and steam hissing, Joshua worked against an aggressive timeline that the mysterious requester had made. Sandy, his wife, was bringing him his meals in his workshop so he could work without interruption. Finally, he sat looking at his creation, a compact yet powerful steam engine hummed with life. Satisfied with his work, Joshua called the number that had been given him on a piece of paper. A man's  voice at the other end gave him instructions to bring the invention to warehouse number 7 at the docks. Joshua called for a carriage and carefully packed the small engine in a

The Bigger Picture

 The brass gears of Caleb's pocket watch ticked away as he polished the last piece of his steampunk attire. He had meticulously arranged his brown leather vest, pocket watch chain, and aviator goggles to impress Amara, who was coming over for dinner and a Bible study. Since the enchanting weekend at his grandparents' farm, their friendship had grown into something more. There was a spark between them, an undeniable connection that begged to be explored. Caleb’s parents had arranged a candlelit dinner in their cozy, industrial-style dining room, complete with polished copper and gleaming gadgets adorning every corner. The aroma of roasted chicken and freshly baked bread filled the air, creating a warm and inviting ambiance. The steamed vegetables and chocolate lava cake for dessert just added to extravagantly prepared meal. The flickering glow of gas lamps bathed the room in a soft, golden light. A steam driven clock that Caleb had made chimed the hour.  The mechanical doorbell

Lessons from a Mushroom

  In the world of gears, steam, and brass, Caleb knew he needed a break from the relentless pace of his workshop. The steam-driven timepieces he crafted had been consuming his every waking moment, and he yearned for a change of scenery. It was then that he had a brilliant idea: inviting his friend Amara to join him on a weekend retreat to his grandparents' steam-powered farm.   The following weekend the automaton-driven steam carriage delivered Caleb and Amara at the train station. They both stood on the platform as the big black steam engine came to a stop with a hiss and spewed a huge cloud of steam. After boarding and finding their seats, they settled in for the hour-long trip. As the train chugged through the winding hills, Caleb couldn't help but steal glances at Amara. The soft sunlight filtering through the carriage windows kissed her auburn curls, creating a mesmerizing halo around her head. Her laughter and easy conversation brought warmth to the otherwise mechanical j