
Showing posts from January, 2024

Not All Treasure

Everyone on the Sea Serpent w as  so intent on deciphering the notes in the bible that they didn't see Joshua sneak out on deck. He quickly attached a note to one of the small buoys ,  stacked and ready to be deployed if needed. He carried the buoy to the railing and dropped it over just as the airship started to turn and gain altitude. Joshua looked both ways to make sure he hadn't drawn any attention. Whatever splash the buoy made when it hit the water was silenced by the roar of the engines gaining speed. Joshua made his way back through the cabin corridors. The steam pipes lining the ceiling popped and rattled as demand for more steam was required by the airship. It sliced through the night heading to its new destination. Joshua wiped away a bead of sweat, nervous that someone may have seen him. As he passed the galley he could he ar  the excited voices of the crew. They had deciphered enough of the clues in the bible to know that the next treasure was just a days flight aw

I Will Be With You Always

  Caleb had endured a relentless storm aboard the constabulary airship, his hands tired from tightening cables and gripping tightly to the railing as wind and rain slashed against the ship's hull. Finally, after what felt like an eternity ,  morning broke and the storm subsided .   L ooking off the bow he saw that he had reached his destination: the disabled constabulary airship , Eagle One,  that was going to rescue his captive father. Captain Allison of the Thunder Hawk deftly pulled his ship alongside the Eagle One so that their balloons were just touching. The smaller, sleeker Thunder Hawk looked even smaller nestled next to such a big airship. Grappling hooks with ropes were tossed across the twenty-foot expanse between decks and quickly tied off to secure the two ships. Captain Allison turned to Caleb, who was standing next to him. "I don't think you know this, but your dad made the constabulary an invention that we use on this ship." He gave a signal with his h

Treasure of the Heart

  Everyone stood looking at the smashed  treasure chest. It's contents spilled out on the deck of the airship. Captain Atherton looked on with wide eyes and a slump to his shoulders. The handle of the sledge hammer he used to b reak  the chest open slipped from his limp hand. The handle made a dull thump as it hit the deck. The treasure that they had worked so hard to obtain was nothing but a gold cross and a book. The captain shook himself out of his stupor and reached down and picked up the book. "A B ible," he said through gritted teeth and flung it back down on the deck. With that he turned and stormed off the deck, slamming the cabin door behind him. The crew exchanged bewildered glances as Captain Atherton's heavy footsteps faded away. They were left standing there, disheartened and confused, their aspirations of untold riches shattered. Each member of the crew had their own reasons for joining this perilous expedition, hoping to secure a brighter future for the

The Hope

Sandy stared at the cold, unlit oven, its emptiness echoing the void in her heart on this Christmas Eve. Normally, the cozy warmth of the kitchen would be filled with the aroma of baked goodies, and laughter would resonate through the house. This year, however, the absence of Joshua, kidnapped by airship pirates, cast a somber shadow over their home. Their Son, Caleb, had embarked on a daring mission to rescue his father, and Detective Armstrong was of little help. He had told Sandy that the airship Caleb was on had been delayed in meeting the disabled airship due to a bad storm. The news hadn’t made her feel any better. With a shrug of his shoulders and a mumbled, “Merry Christmas,” he was gone. Determined to shake off the melancholy, Sandy wiped a tear from her eye and called out to Abigail. Bundling up in scarves and coats, they stepped outside into the chilly air, the clinking of gears and hissing steam from passing carriages carrying happy merry goers did little to lighten their m